Human Resources
Welcome to the Mount Clemens Community School District's Human Resources web page. Here you will find information about job opportunities within the school district by viewing a complete current list of job postings. Further you will find general information about our educational community, a clear statement of our nondiscrimination policy as well as contact information.
The Human Resources and Pupil Personnel Services Department provides a wide variety of services to District employees, the student body and the entire educational community in support of increased student achievement, increased student enrollment, and improved community relations.
Some of the services that the Human Resources Department provides to District staff are:
- Processing of requests for leaves of absences
- Workers compensation claims
- Administration of personnel files
- Professional development
- Employee training
- Grievance processing
- Contract negotiations and administration
- Development of the school calendar
- Investigation and prevention of harassment and discrimination complaints
- Civil rights compliance
- Freedom of Information Act requests
- FERPA requests
- Unemployment compensation
- Compliance with wage and hour laws, the Fair Labor Standards Act, and the Public Employment Relations Act
- Recruitment and employment of properly certified, highly qualified classroom teachers and and support staff,
- Compliance with teacher tenure laws
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Applicants for admission and employment, students, parents and employees are hereby notified that the Mount Clemens Community School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, creed or ancestry, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status or disability in its programs and activities. The Board of Education has designated the following compliance officers to administer the several statutes and implement regulations enforced by the Office of Civil Rights or the United States Department of Education. All inquiries concerning the school district's implementation of its nondiscrimination policy may be referred to the appropriate compliance officer as listed below:
Title VI and Title IX
Kelley Metter
Business Office Associate
Mount Clemens Community School District
167 Cass Avenue
Mount Clemens, Michigan 48043
Section 504 /Americans with Disabilities Act
(Students, prospective students, employees and applicants for employment)
David Lavender
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Human Resources
Mount Clemens Community School District
167 Cass Avenue
Mount Clemens, Michigan 48043
The Mount Clemens Community School District has adopted a procedure for addressing complaints of discrimination. Click on the following link for details of the complaint procedure.
Grievance Procedures
The Mount Clemens Public School District hereby provides assurance that it strictly prohibits any form of retaliation against persons who use this Complaint Procedure.
FOIA Requests
Please send all FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Requests to the District FOIA Coordinator at the email address below:
Some requests are subject to fees and are calculated using the form below:
Standard Form for Detailed Itemization of Fee Amounts
Pupil Personnel Services
Marie Walls
Director of Pupil Accounting, Data & Assessment
The Human Resources Department is also involved in submitting the District's pupil accounting report, and providing administrative assistance to the athletics department. The Department is also responsible for submitting the "Registry of Education Personnel" (REP) report to the State of Michigan as well as the "School Infrastructure Database" (SID) report, and the annual DS-4168 clock hours report. The Department is also involved in development and maintenance of the Board of Education's policy manual, as well as development and maintenance of the Superintendent's administrative guidelines, and the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct. The Department also provides direction and guidance on numerous issues related to student enrollment, residency and schools of choice issues, and student discipline under the Code of Conduct.